Friday, July 18, 2003

Frugal Babs

I found this to be hilarious - emphasis added at the right spot (from today's Page Six):

July 18, 2003 -- BARBRA Streisand has not forgiven Joe Lieberman for his pointed comments about how Hollywood debases American values. Bush-hating Babs gave bucks to every other major Democratic presidential contender - Howard Dean, John Kerry, Bob Graham, John Edwards, Dick Gephardt and even Al Sharpton - but conspicuously left Lieberman off her list. Could it be Iraq? Well Gephardt, Edwards and Kerry all voted for the Iraq war, as Lieberman did. Lieberman spokesman Jano Cabrera tells The Post's Deborah Orin: "As someone once said, people need people. And we look forward to returning to the way we were in the future and earning the support of our funny valentine in the general election." Not that Babs was overly generous for a multimillionaire - the maximum donation now is $2,000 but she gave $1,000 apiece. Also missing from her gift list was the only woman in the race, ex-Sen. Carol Moseley Braun, and the very most liberal contender, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio.)

She even gave money to Gebhart.

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