Thursday, July 10, 2003

Doctors for tort reform

Yesterday, I noted a posting on DB's Medical Rants about the need for tort reform with regard to medical malpractice. Today, in the comments section of that post, a former doctor from Florida puts in his thoughts on the matter. Read the whole thing, but here are the key grafs:

Nothing in terms of reforming our medical system will work until we take steps to repair our damaged tort system. The system is skewed towards the trial lawyers who make off like bandits collecting those hefty awards, sometimes in millions, leaving little to the victims and imperiling the access to basic medical services. That is already happening in a number of states, with ER and trauma centers closing, and with a number of specialists like obstetricians and neurosurgeons cutting off services or quitting. Mammograms in Orlando, for example, now take weeks to get scheduled since a number of radiologists have quit reading them.

It appears to me nothing short of a widespread public outrage will convince the Democrats that the liability crisis is real and getting more serious every day. They need to stop acting as shills and toadies for the trial lawyers. If they don't heed the public cry, they may find there won't be too many of them in the next U.S. Senate

I'm all for that.

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