Friday, July 18, 2003

Democrats on bended knee

Here’s the Miami Herald’s take on Lieberman, Gephardt, and Kucinich’s debasement before the NAACP (via Political Wire):

The contrition from Connecticut Sen. Joseph Lieberman, Missouri Rep. Richard Gephardt and Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich followed a fiery scolding Monday by NAACP President Kweisi Mfume, who charged that the three had lost their legitimacy among black voters and equated their political capital to ``Confederate dollars.''

The format seemed designed to humble the would-be presidents, allowing each man ''no more than five minutes for the purpose of public apology and explanation,'' a parameter announced ceremoniously as each candidate took the podium at the Miami Beach Convention Center

Damn….don’t these guys have any self-respect? Kucinich at least could claim he was casting votes in Congress; does he really have to apologize for doing his job? Even Jesse Jackson (!) thought the supplication was too much.

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