Thursday, July 17, 2003

The Case for War - Revisited

The Economist states: "Why we still think, on present information and trends, that the war was justified" An excerpt:

None of that [Hussein’s evasions over WMDs] has been called into doubt by the lack of discoveries since the war. Mr Hussein had a clear record of developing these weapons, using them and concealing them. There can also be no doubt both that he was a brutal, ruthless dictator who murdered hundreds of thousands of his own citizens and that he harboured ambitions to dominate his region: he had fought Iran during the 1980s, had invaded Kuwait in 1990, and threatened Israel, Saudi Arabia and (in 1994) Kuwait again. He was thus plainly a dangerous man, in whose hands such dangerous weapons could pose a real threat, both to regional peace and, through the power that dominance of the world's oil reserves would bring, to the whole world.

A measured article from the Brits.

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