Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Blogger response

Some bloggers put clever titles on their posts; here's a couple about Uday & Qusay.

What a relief
Ding Dong
Hey, where are all the virgins? And who set the thermostat so high?
Saddam's sons dead – French fear Kerry and Chirac with them
It's only a matter of time...
Lads bite the dust
Uday and Qusay join the choir invisible
Color me ecstatic
Ding Dong -- Saddam's Boys Are Dead!
Acey Deucy
Buh bye to two sick bastards
Saddam's Sons: Dead and Deader!

This story broke kinda late in the day, so I expect some more tomorrow. Meanwhile, I'm going to keep my eye on those left-leaning blogs. I'm sure tinfoils hats are being folded in full-force tonight.

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