Friday, June 27, 2003

Political Wire on a roll

First there’s this post and excerpt from a Los Angeles Times story:

"At that point [after the Democrats pick their nominee], Democrats could face a nightmare scenario: a nominee with little money left after a bruising primary fight; a Democratic National Committee weakened by the ban on the unlimited contributions known as "soft" money that previously accounted for most of its budget, and a president sitting on more cash than any White House candidate ever."

May I be so bold to say that all of these problems were invited by the Democrats. Their inability to field a strong and credible nominee opened up the gang-of-nine free-for-all; they pushed through campaign finance reform, which the Atlantic acidly dubbed “The Democratic Party Suicide Bill”; and Bill Clinton set the new (lower) standard for presidential fundraising, leaving the Democrats little opportunity for criticism on that issue.

But if John Kerry is the Dems nominee, at least he’ll look good in cartoons, thanks to his insane wife. Here’s “How to Draw John Kerry” copied from Political Wire:

Theresa Heinz Kerry instructed 150 political cartoonists from around the country on "how not to draw her husband," Sen. John Kerry, in the coming months of the presidential campaign, the Pittsburgh City Paper reports.

Using an overhead projector, she displayed cartoons she disliked: "My husband should not be confused with Punxsutawney Phil. He isn't a basset hound. Please resist the impulse to use Heinz products when drawing my husband. Concentrate on his noble chin, focused gaze and and smile. In other words, draw him like this...

"Up on screen flashed a cartoon of John F. Kennedy."

Oh man……

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