Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Moe celebrates Occams Toothbrushs’ one-year blogoversary

A little more than six months ago, Moe Freedman was bugging me to move my Smarter Harper’s Index over to Blogger and run it more like a web log. I resisted for reasons that seem distant now, so Moe just set one up for me. Didn’t ask….just set it up and there it was. I changed the name to Viking Pundit and started to write while Moe provided valuable advice on HTML code and Weblog plug-ins.

After a half-year of posting my random thoughts, I can’t imagine not having a blog. It’s been a wonderful outlet for my frustrations and inspirations. I’ve “met” a lot of people and on a small level, I feel part of a larger movement (even with my measly 100+ hits a day). So, mucho gracias to Moe – a real mensch. Keep on bloggin’! (You! Go visit Moe's site and wish him a happy birthday)

Mensch (n) (informal) A person having admirable characteristics, such as fortitude and firmness of purpose (Microsoft Bookshelf)

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