Friday, June 13, 2003

Everybody talks about the weather…and they’re usually wrong

I recall there used to be a football prognosticator in my local paper who would give his predictions on the weekend NFL games. Now presumably this guy was some kind of pigskin expert to get this column. But after about six weeks of predictions, he was so consistently wrong that the column suddenly disappeared.

That’s how I feel about weather predictors. They have all this equipment and training, but they’re wrong so often, they may as well ditch the Doppler radar and stick a finger in the air. That’s why this post from Amish Tech Support is so satisfying: a Texas news station was hailed as the most accurate in the area, even though they lack the much-vaunted Doppler radar. Instead, they use a pickle jar with a balloon stretched over the top, a windsock, and the Farmer’s Almanac.

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