Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Another reason to hate the French

Paris named cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal an "honorary citizen" and France gave safe-haven to trunk-stuffing murderer Ira Einhorn. Here's an excerpt from a Dec. 2001 article by Peter Wood in the National Review:

Last year Paris made Mumia an honorary citizen. But then the French seem to have a strange affection for vintage American murderers. For years they harbored Ira Einhorn, the Leftist activist who murdered his Bryn Mawr girlfriend, Holly Maddux, in 1977 and stowed her body in a trunk in his apartment for 18 months. Einhorn was arrested in France in 1997, but not extradited to the U.S. until July 2001, because of French doubts about the probity of American justice.

Of course they would.

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