Saturday, May 24, 2003

Was Jayson Blair a "Manchurian Candidate" for the KKK?

I can't stop shaking my head in disbelief at Jayson Blair. Today the Washington Post carried a story about his book proposal called – get this – "Burning Down My Master's House." According to the Post story, Blair calls the New York Times (among other things) "my slavemaster." Oh. My. Heck.

It looks like Blair intends on playing a two-of-diamonds racism card. Problem is, there's not a scintilla of evidence that Blair suffered at the New York Times. In fact, an incredibly apt argument that could be made that the only racism the Blair suffered was the "soft bigotry of low expectations."

For God's sake – he didn't even graduate from college! Which should give great comfort to all the budding black journalism majors out there when Blair states:

In the book proposal, however, Blair said he resigned after the plagiarized story because there was "no point" in trying to hang on to "a job I could hardly imagine any black man really wanting."

Even drunk and high on coke, Jayson Blair must realize that he's doing an inestimable amount of high-profile damage to the affirmative action cause. Boy, if you hate the New York Times and racial quotas, Blair is a dream come true.

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