Thursday, May 01, 2003

Senator Splunge update

It would appear that John Kerry's prevarications and equivocations are approaching critical mass. James Taranto takes the Senator apart on Best of the Web today, and there's been much piling by Ben Domenech, Tom Maguire, and the Pejman (and Pej again) during my absence.

Even though the Democrats nominating party is over a year away, I'm starting to believe that Kerry is bruised fruit. He can't credibly reconcile his statements and actions from the past, and Senators have a lousy track record in gaining the Presidency. He can roll out Vietnam (he's been pretty reticent on his military record so far....that's a joke) but it's only going to go so far and Kerry's already dangerously close to overplaying that card. Frankly speaking, without Vietnam, what is John Kerry? Judging by his voting record - when he votes - he's just a rubber stamp for Ted Kennedy.

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