Friday, May 16, 2003

Profiles in Courage

Here's the latest on the state of our national democracy, via Political Wire:

"House Democrats may try to mimic in their own way Texas Democratic state lawmakers who brought their state House to a standstill this week by fleeing to Oklahoma," Roll Call reports. "House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) said the stealth and precision with which 53 Texas Democrats fled to a Holiday Inn in Ardmore, Okla., -- denying Republicans in the Texas Legislature the quorum they needed to bring up a Congressional redistricting plan pushed by U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) -- could be 'a galvanizing event' for Democrats on Capitol Hill."

Though House Democrats "cannot stop action in their chamber by simply walking out as the Texas lawmakers did" he was "cagey about what specifically they might be considering as a way to either stop House action or effectively impede the House Republican agenda.

Is this what the Democratic party has come to? Government by truancy? Jefferson and Hamilton would be proud.

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