Friday, May 02, 2003

The People's Republic of Massachusetts vs. Mitt Romney

I was genuinely – and pleasantly - surprised when Republican Mitt Romney was voted into the Governor's office in Massachusetts this past election. A friend explained it this way: A Republican in the Governor's office is the only thing keeping the entire state from runaway taxing and spending by Democrats. Romney has thus far stayed true to his campaign promises, steadfastly refusing to raise taxes to close a budget shortfall.

The former businessman Romney looked over the budget situation in the state college system and focused right away on cutting one unneeded expense: the president's office at the University of Massachusetts, currently occupied by one William Bulger. Romney's office estimated it would save the school system $14 million; Bulger's office insists the savings would "only" be around $5.6 million.

Romney's call to essentially fire Bulger is the closest thing to heresy in Massachusetts since the Salem Witch Trials. Fire a well-connected Irish Democrat? The very thought! But Romney is not backing down and has pushed the Mass. legislature to pass a higher education bill without Bulger's position. Thus far, they have resisted. Romney, to his credit, seems to see this as a showdown between old-politics Massachusetts and a new era of accountability and responsibility – he shows no intention of backing down.

This fight has been going on for several months, so why am I bringing it up now? Well, last night I was watching my Western Massachusetts TV (Springfield station) and there was an ad paid for by the Mass. Teacher Association urging Bay Staters to "Raise the Revenue" to "Save our Schools." Raise the Revenue? In other words, raise taxes.

Now at this point I should point out in the interest of full disclosure that my wife, as an employee of the University of Massachusetts, is a member of the MTA. So a portion of her money goes to an organization that spends prodigious cash to avoid the consequences of a high-school graduation test (the MCAS test), weaken the English immersion initiative approved by 68% of voters, and raise my taxes to keep a figurehead flesh-presser in Armani suits.

Mitt Romney plans to put an end to this foolishness – God speed.

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