Monday, May 12, 2003

News to make Terry McAuliffe’s head explode

Here’s the DNC Chair in November 2002:

Tim Russert: Now, you said in The New York Times last week, "Jeb Bush is gone." You want to take those words back?
DNC chairman Terry McAuliffe: Of course not. I'm very excited about what's going on in Florida.
Russert: He's going to lose, guaranteed?
McAuliffe: Yep. That is why the president was down there yesterday for his 13th visit. People in Florida are energized. They've already started the early voting. And if you look at Broward and Dade counties, there are lines already, huge lines, people--record vote coming out in Florida . . . we are going to win Florida, which is going to set us up, Tim, very nicely for 2004.

--From NBC's "Meet The Press," November 3, 2002

And here’s the latest from the Miami Herald: “Governor can do no wrong with Florida voters

Even when his fellow Republicans in the Legislature earn humiliatingly low ratings, [Jeb] Bush is riding high with some of the most adoring numbers of any second-term governor in the nation.

Looks like the Dems are going to have to wait until 2008 (minimum) for “Payback Tuesday”

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