Monday, May 12, 2003

The New York Times takes the heat

Wow - the blogosphere is pouring gasoline on the NYT's Jayson Blair scandal, with Andrew Sullivan and Mickey Kaus in the forefront. I'm waiting for some input from Media Minded (now you had to go on vacation?!?) and Susanna at Cut on the Bias. The most even-handed review I've seen thus far was by Matthew Hoy at Hoystory - check him out this morning.

I don't have much to add except to say that I'm having a Michael Corleone-Carlo moment here. Remember when Michael suspected that Carlo had something to do with Sonny's murder and urged Carlo to confess saying: "Don't lie to me...because it insults me."? Now the New York Times - mortally wounded by their own "diversity" program - is trying to convince readers that the newsroom affirmative-action program had nothing to do with the shoddy work and willing oversight of a substandard reporter. Why insult us by trying to contradict something so obvious based on the Times' own evidence?

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