Monday, May 19, 2003

Kerry Vote Watch

Starting today, there will be a new Monday feature here at Viking Pundit: the Kerry Vote Watch. This oversight effort will track the votes of Senator John Kerry to see if he can fulfill the basic duties of his position. As a resident of Massachusetts, I would expect my senator to earn his $154,700 paycheck.

The Senate had a three-day work week last week, stretching from Wednesday May 14th to Friday May 16th. There was one vote on the 14th and Kerry is listed as “not voting.” The senator showed up and made all the votes on the 15th before heading back out on the campaign trail to miss all the Friday votes. Among the votes he missed: an amendment offered by Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy “To provide for the procurement of certain pharmaceuticals at the lowest possible price for products of assured quality.” (I guess he doesn’t care.) Senators Lieberman and Edwards managed to shake free of their presidential campaigns for that vote; Kerry couldn’t make it.

Days worked: 1
Senate votes missed: 4

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