Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Jayson Blair – psychotic

There’s so much disturbing material in Howard Kurtz’s column about Jayson Blair, I scarcely know where to start. Blair “laughed” about his misrepresentation of Jessica Lynch’s home. He suffered under the “racism” of the New York Times newsroom – no specific examples are given, but it’s implied that they wanted him to…you know…write articles that were factual. It’s all everybody else’s fault:

The only point at which Blair, 27, appeared to blame himself was when he said he might have been too young for "a snake pit" like the Times.

But he kept returning to the question of race, telling the Manhattan weekly: "I was under a lot of pressure. I was black at the New York Times, which is something that hurts you as much as it helps you. I certainly have health problems which probably led to me having to kill Jayson Blair, the journalist. . . . So Jayson Blair the human being could live, Jayson Blair the journalist had to die
." [Emphasis added]

What kind of a person says things like that? Loser. Here’s some advice, Jayson: I’m guessing you’re going to be unemployed for some time. Kick the cocaine habit and save your cash, because you’re going to need it.

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