Friday, May 02, 2003

I gotta go mow my lawn

Terpsboy at Curmudgeonly & Skeptical did a lot of homework and offers up some great links this morning (he finds the stories so you don't have to!) I also liked his little dig about how the military watches Fox News all the time.

Insignificant Thoughts offers up a great post titled "The truth: Nothing more than an inconvenience" that charts all the half-truths and outright lies spewed by the Democratic candidates. For some reason, John Kerry seems over-represented in the rundown.

Finally, I just noticed the Dawson Speaks has headed to Blogger Boot Hill. Too bad... I may keep him on the blogroll in the hopes that he'll come to his senses and resume activities. (I'm looking at YOU Toren Smith - bring back the Safety Valve, you lazy punk!)


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