Friday, May 02, 2003

Bush's deck-flight landing: military morale builder or cynical photo-op?

Instapundit Glenn Reynolds wasn't crazy about Bush's Viking landing, although many disagree. I'm partial to the E-mail that Kathryn Jean Lopez has been receiving at NRO's Corner. Here's one from a retired Air Force Colonel:

It's some kind of wonderful new day when our military has this kind of pride for their commander in chief: You just can't conceive of how much we love this guy. He commands an unprecedented amount of loyalty and respect among the armed forces. He not only walks the walk, he gets the trap (Navy talk). We don't think of him as a stud; he is so much more than that. He is the guy you hang with in the flight room, the guy you hunker down in the bunker with. He is the commander that is the first on the field and the last off. He is the guy you kneel down and pray with prior to putting your life on the line one more time. He is much more than a stud, he is a fighter jock. There are few in all of the armed forces who wouldn't march into Hell for him

And here's another on the Corner about how deck-flight landings are not fun.

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