Monday, May 19, 2003

Biting British wit on the NYT scandal

Here’s the concluding paragraph from an article titled “Unfit to Print” in the Economist:

In the past year of business scandals, the Times has not shied away from making tough calls, including criticising a lack of accountability of bosses for corporate failures. The executive editor, Howell Raines, won plaudits after being appointed two years ago and quickly guided the paper to seven Pulitzer Prizes. Yet Mr Raines's apparently close relationship with Mr Blair, and the paper's prolonged failure to unearth a pathological liar within its midst, has raised questions about what other “low points” might yet emerge. After Mr Blair's failings were made public, Arthur Sulzberger, publisher of the Times, said “let's not begin to demonise our executives—either the desk editors, or the executive editor or, dare I say, the publisher”. Other troubled corporate titans would no doubt conclude that the Times is finally getting religion.

Or as Tim Blair blithely noted:

Talk about the pot criticising the kettle's commitment to minority hiring through a company-wide diversity policy.

These crazy Britz and Auzzies – what iz up with their averzion to the letter “Z”? “CriticiZe!” Geez.

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