Saturday, May 31, 2003

The Big Me and Jeb Bush

Here's an excerpt from Sean Hannity's radio show interview with Florida Governor and Presidential brother Jeb Bush - from NewsMax

HANNITY: Bill Clinton has been very critical of your brother, on the other hand. Now he's even talking about repealing the 22nd amendment - not for him, of course. . .

BUSH: [laughing] Yeah

HANNITY: . . . But for future presidents. You want to weigh into these waters or . . .

BUSH: Oh boy. I'll tell you what. All I'll say is that Bill Clinton is the most self absorbed person living in America. And the tradition of former presidents not being critical of their successors, I think, is a very good one. It's why we've had transitions since the beginning of the Republic. And almost all presidents have been very respectful of that. But President Clinton wouldn't view himself being critical of anybody because he's always thinking about himself. It's all about Bill.

"Well, enough about me....what do you think of me?"

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