Friday, April 11, 2003

Transcript from today’s CentCom briefing

Here’s an excerpt:

General Brooks: “I would add that information-wise, the coalition governments have identified a list of key regime leaders who must be pursued and brought to justice. The key list has 55 individuals who may be pursued, killed or captured, and the list does not exclude leaders who may have already been killed or captured. This list has been provided to coalition forces on the ground in several forms to ease identification when contact does occur. And this deck of cards is one example of what we provide to soldiers out -- soldiers and marines out in the field -- with the faces of the individuals and what their role is. In this case, there are 55 cards in the deck.”

And a question from the media:

[Jeff Meade from Sky News] “And if I can also ask a second question, your deck of 55 most wanted, does that include the former information minister -- because every pack needs a joker?” (Laughter.)

GEN. BROOKS: “Well said, Jeff. Well said. Well, there are jokers in this deck, there's no doubt about that. (Laughter.) And that is also there are cards that have "joker" marked on them.

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