Tuesday, April 08, 2003

This is what this war is all about

If this story was submitted to Hollywood, it would have been rejected as sentimental fantasy.
If reported by anything other than the New York Times, it would have been dismissed as pro-war propaganda.
But it's true, and it's nearly enough to melt away any argument that this war was unjust.

A man flees Iraq in 1991 - joins the Marines as an interpreter - re-unites with his son. Read on.

Khuder al-Emiri, with beard, a translator for the Marines, returned to his hometown, Qalat Sukkar, on Monday and found his son, Ali, who was just a boy when Mr. Emiri fled in 1991. Villagers welcomed him as a returning hero.

From the New York Times: "Troops Bring Home an Iraqi Who Fled in '91"

The drama began later, out on the street in the public square. Mr. Emiri's cousin recognized him and shouted his name. A crowd began to gather.

"Your brother is dead," his cousin told him. He slumped. Then Mr. Emiri's son, Ali, was produced and the man wept uncontrollably. He did not recognize the young man who was a boy when he fled. He did not recognize his other brothers, or his sister.

Word of Mr. Emiri's arrival spread through town by way of children's feet. Their hero was with the Americans and the crowd believed the marines' intentions were good. They began to chant in English. "Stay! Stay! U.S.A.!"

Hat tip to Croooow Blog who also has a great picture on the top of his page and Tom Maguire who picked up the story first (well, I saw it there first.)

Damn....only in America.

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