Friday, April 04, 2003

Senator Splunge to critics: I’m a war hero

John Kerry has been taking heat from Republicans and editorial pages alike for his crude comparison of Saddam Hussein and President Bush (“we need a regime change in the United States.”) The New York Post called his intemperate remarks “The Attack of the Id” while the largest paper in New Hampshire ran an incredulous editorial called “Is Kerry Kidding? Or is his campaign really this lost?”

Ouch….how long until the NH primary? But Senator Splunge has answered his critics the same way he answers, well, everything: I’m a war hero, dammit. From the Boston Globe: "In response to the Republican criticism, the Kerry campaign compared the war credentials of his Republican critics with those of the senator."

Kerry apparently endorses the idea that a black person cannot be called a racist, only women can talk about abortion, and a war hero cannot be criticized for statements regarding war. Or foreign policy in general. Or health care (which he received in Vietnam). Or agricultural policy (Kerry walked through rice paddies). And so on.

Not to take anything away from Kerry’s Vietnam history, but this self-martyrdom is only going to go so far. Two words, Senator: Bob Kerrey.

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