Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Remember: It means nothing to her

Here’s Janeane Garofalo in late January:

What bugs [Janeane Garofalo] most of all is when interviewers question whether she's torpedoing her career.
"You can't force people to cast you or become younger or more popular. What I do have is control over my mind, my life and my participation in current events. I won't stick my head in the sand and have history roll right over me. I refuse to allow my government and the mainstream media to bully me into accepting a war that is immoral and illegal. If it means people make fun of me or think I'm a jerk, or I lose a job here and there, that means nothing to me."

Here’s the reality today:

April 9 — Will another anti-war celeb take a career hit? Bush supporters have been deluging ABC with calls and e-mails, complaining about a sitcom the network has in development starring outspoken war protester Janeane Garofalo.

Hello? Mr. Asner? This is Janeane Garofalo. Yeah, yeah, fine. Look, I hear you’re making a movie with Michael Moore and I was wondering if you could get me a part? I’m dying here. All my black clothes are starting to fade – stupid “Cheer” says it won’t fade colors – black’s a color, right? I mean c’mon!"

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