Friday, April 11, 2003

Morning rundown

Lots of great editorial cartoons at American Realpolitik this fine day

Jack Shafer of Slate really likes the News Analysis stylings of the New York Times' R.W. Apple - NOT!

John Hawkins at Right Wing News surveys the aftermath at the anti-war blogging sites.

And here's a little tidbit from Fox News that gave me a chuckle:

BAGHDAD, Iraq — There was a bit of unfinished business left over in Baghdad from the 1991 Gulf War. The U.S. Army has taken care of it

At the Al-Rashid Hotel, President Bush the elder — father of the current American chief executive who ordered this year's invasion of Iraq — is a doormat no more.

U.S. soldiers visited the battered Al-Rashid on Thursday night wielding hammers and chisels, and dug out the intricate tile mosaic of the former president that was used for years as a state-sponsored insult.

In its place, they laid a portrait of Saddam Hussein

That's worth a smile.

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