Monday, April 07, 2003

John Kerry’s psyche-out

I’m starting to think Senator Splunge is really mental. Even after the backlash from his “regime change” comment, he continues to make statements that are inane, self-contradictory, and illogical. Can he make up his mind on any issue? Here’s the latest fence-straddling from the Boston Herald:

During the reception, Kerry was asked several times to explain his vote in favor of a resolution last fall authorizing Bush to use force against Iraq, if necessary.

``What I voted for was to provide a strong show of the possibility of using force as a last resort, which is what it says, and after appropriate diplomacy has been exhausted,'' he said.

Kerry said he and a number of senators who voted for it ``believed that was the best way to avoid going to war.'' [Emphasis added]

“Good heavens, when I voted in favor of the war resolution, I had no idea that President Bush intended to, you know, go to war! I was trying to avoid that!”

Homer’s Brain: Don't you get it!? You gotta use reverse psychology!
Homer: Well, that sounds too complicated.
Homer’s Brain: Okay, don't use reverse psychology.
Homer: All right, I will!

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