Thursday, April 10, 2003

George W. Bush for the Nobel Peace Prize

There’s a picture on the Washington Post web site today with the following caption: A Kurdish fighter holds a placard that reads "Bush and Blair, the champions of peace." The sign is in Arabic but English-speaking readers will recognize the words scrawled along the top: “Yes Yes Bush”.

This got me thinking, but then David Brooks stole my thunder:

If there were any justice in the world, George W. Bush and Tony Blair would share the next Nobel Peace Prize. They have destroyed a regime that caused more Muslim deaths than any other government in history. Over the past few days we have seen jubilant crowds. We have seen kids freed from a children’s prison where they were jailed for not joining the fascist youth brigades. We have seen men released from torture centres, where, just hours before, they were forced to endure the last sadistic spasms of the Baath regime.

Yes Yes Bush. Somebody more web-savvy than me should set up an on-line petition to nominate Dubya for the Nobel Peace Prize. The Prize should applaud something other than pacifist gum-flapping; let’s make it stand for the active destruction of conspicuous evil.

No more Yassir Arafats, Rigoberta Menchus, or Jimmy Carters.

Yes Yes Bush. George W. Bush and Tony Blair for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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