Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Did somebody strike a nerve at the NYT?

From Newsday:

The publisher of The New York Times yesterday vowed that it would not be "cowed" by critics of the daily newspaper's reporting and commentary on the war with Iraq.

Arthur O. Sulzberger Jr., speaking at a meeting of company shareholders, said "this great organization will never be cowed by attempts to demean our journalism and our good name." The third-largest U.S. paper, considered one of the most influential, will continue to report the news "without fear or favor," he said, quoting a century-old editorial from the Times.

Sulzberger's defense was somewhat unusual given that the paper often is the target of criticism to which he doesn't publicly respond. Still, supporters of the war, media watchdogs and others have blasted the Times for allegedly casting doubt in articles and headlines about the United States' ability to win a quick victory against Saddam Hussein's regime.

The New York Times, biased? Heaven forfend!

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