Saturday, March 01, 2003

We're musicians, therefore we understand foreign policy

Sheryl Crow, Jay-Z, Lucinda Williams, R.E.M., Dave Matthews, Missy Elliott, Emmylou Harris and Busta Rhymes were among 42 music acts that signed their names to an antiwar message published as a full-page advertisement in Wednesday's issue of the New York Times.

The ad, purchased by Musicians United to Win Without War, featured the large-type message, "War on Iraq is wrong and we know it."

We know it. Doesn't that just sum up the rhetorical sophistication of the guitar-strummer crowd?

By the way...did you know you can burn CDs on your computer? It's true! Say you didn't want to drop $15 for Sheryl Crow's or Dave Matthew's new record. You can borrow it from someone or take it out of the library and make your own copy. Technology is amazing. Of course, I would never do such a thing because it takes money out of the pocket of Michael Stipe.

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