Wednesday, March 05, 2003

Since they’re just over the International Date Line, do they get tomorrow’s news today?

The Sydney Morning Herald seems to be getting the scoops lately, including this story: “Khalid changes story on fate of bin Laden

Alleged al-Qaeda terror mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was flown to a US detention centre in Afghanistan today after three days of interrogation in Pakistan, first telling officials Osama bin Laden was alive, then claiming he was dead.

"Initially he said bin Laden was alive. But later he changed his statement and said bin Laden was dead because he had had no contact with the man during the past six months," an official familiar with the investigation said.

I find that “six months” intriguing because I was convinced Bin Laden was dead when he failed to produce a videotape or audiotape taunting America on the anniversary of 9/11. That must be one deep cave he’s in.

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