Friday, March 14, 2003

Nope, no racists here!

Here’s part of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s official statement on Trent Lott back in December: “This is an astounding betrayal of what was on his mind.”

Take note: Pelosi makes it clear that the subject of condemnation is Trent Lott, the man and his mind.

Now here’s Pelosi’s statement about the removal of Virginia Democrat James Moran from the Democratic leadership after suggesting that the Jewish lobby is pushing for war in Iraq:

"I have taken this action because Congressman Moran's irresponsible remarks were a serious mistake," Pelosi said. "As I said earlier this week, his comments were not only inappropriate, they were offensive and have no place in the Democratic Party." [Emphasis added]

The man is good. Only his comments were bad. Mistakes were made.

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