Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Night of a thousand losers

Nothing could do more to expose the dichotomy between Hollywood and the rest of America than a parade of pampered screen stars foaming at the mouth against the liberation of Iraq. With that in mind, I have a new favorite choice for the Best Director Oscar: go Stephen Daldry!

Stephen Daldry, Britain's brightest hope of an Oscar at this year's Academy Awards ceremony, has vowed to denounce the war on Iraq from the podium if he wins.

Anyone else we should be on the lookout for?

Foreign nominees who are likely to denounce the war from the podium should they win include Bono, the Irish rock star who is nominated for Best Song and is due to perform at the ceremony; Pedro Almodovar, the Spanish film-maker who is in the running for two awards, and Michael Moore, the favourite to take the Best Documentary Oscar. All have previously condemned the proposed military action.

I think we're all in "agreeance" that the upcoming Academy Awards could be a watershed moment for Hollywood. Think Dixie Chicks.

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