Thursday, March 13, 2003

Fun with Google News

Strategy? Feh! New ideas? Bah! For Democratic National Committee chair Terry McAuliffe, it’s always, always about getting more money….and then blowing it on the wrong races.

Just for laughs, I did a Google News search on McAuliffe + DNC + money = 73 hits
By comparison a search on (RNC chairman Marc) Racicot + RNC + money = 32 hits

A regular Google search yields McAuliffe + DNC + money = 3620 hits
While Racicot + RNC + money = 906 hits

And yet, with all this begging and money-grubbing, the Dems are broke!

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Republican National Committee is starting the march toward the 2004 election with a multimillion-dollar advantage on its Democratic rival. The RNC began the new year with $5 million in the bank; the Democratic Party was $106,000 in debt.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Terry McAuliffe is a gift to Republicans. Big fan, Terry, big fan!

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