Saturday, March 01, 2003

Estrada update

I was starting to worry that the White House, perhaps distracted by more pressing issues of war and the economy, would ignore the nomination of Miguel Estrada and, by default, give way to the cynical machinations of the Senate Democrats.

But then Byron York of the National Review reported today that George Bush and his White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales have not yet begun to fight:

In perhaps its most forceful effort yet to break the stalemate over the appeals-court nomination of Miguel Estrada, the White House has now invited every member of the Senate who has doubts about Estrada's legal views to submit written questions to Estrada by the close of business Friday. In a letter delivered Thursday to all 100 senators, White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales said Estrada will respond by next Tuesday.

This is a brilliant move: the White House is kicking away the rickety rationale for opposing Estrada, that he didn't answer questions. Well, ask away. Then give him a vote.

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