Monday, February 24, 2003

What Iraqis say when they get away from Iraq

In this NY Times article, Iraqi-Americans speak their mind about Saddam Hussein – they really really don’t like him.

Warning that there is now only a "small chance" to avoid war with Iraq, with more than 180,000 American forces massed in the Persian Gulf region, [Deputy Defense Secretary] Mr. Wolfowitz appealed to an invitation-only audience of about 250 Iraqi immigrants and naturalized American citizens for their support in reshaping a post-Hussein Iraq.

"We need to work together," Mr. Wolfowitz told an often boisterous anti-Hussein crowd at a Ford Motor Company training center turned civic forum here. "We're on the same team. We have the same goal."

For the most part, Mr. Wolfowitz was preaching to the choir. Horrific tales of relatives massacred or driven into exile by Mr. Hussein's security forces spilled from one speaker after another when Mr. Wolfowitz took questions after his speech.

I wonder what this crowd thinks of the anti-war protests here in America. What would the pacifists say to these people who lived under Hussein’s unchecked cruelty?

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