Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Told you so

Yesterday, I wrote this (scroll down): "The vilification of the SUV is going to be supplanted by a thousand anecdotes about how the 4-wheel drive gas guzzlers helped doctors/firemen/policemen/electrical linemen/nurses get to work while everyone else was stranded."


A half-dozen shiny big SUVs were lined up outside St. Joseph Medical Center yesterday morning, their volunteer drivers proving to the world that they are nothing like the arrogant, self-centered, fuel-squandering ignoramuses of stereotype.

"You hear it on the news - all about the gas-guzzling hogs driving SUVs," said Jeff Hegberg, climbing back into his $40,000, 7,200-pound, black 2002 Chevrolet Suburban. "Well, on a day like this, what would the hospitals do without us?"

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