Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Tapped Redux

This past weekend, I took note of a post on Tapped that was flat-out wrong, including this statement: "But Tapped would point out that it is also unprecedented for a president to nominate a man who has zero experience as a judge to the second-highest court in the land..."

I checked Tapped again today and this update was added to the post:

UPDATE. Turns out we misread some of the news coverage of the Estrada fight. Tapped had somehow gotten the impression that circuit court appointees usually have prior judicial experience, and that in this, Estrada was an unusual pick for the president. But most circuit court appointees, we've since learned, do not have prior judicial experience, and of those judges currently active on the D.C. Circuit, only three did. We apologize for the goof. It still seems to Tapped, though, that not answering any questions whatsoever about one's points of view on the law is pretty unusual, and grounds enough for Estrada's filibuster. As the inimitable Al Hunt said on Capital Gang recently, "I mean, at least he could say Dred Scott was a bad, bad decision, it seems to me." Damn straight.

Emphasis added. Of course, as I noted with my comparison to Earl Warren, the lack of "judicial experience" extends to the Supreme Court also, but Tapped apparently saw no need to dig any deeper once their game was exposed. Nice "save" with the last minute Al Hunt dig, Tapped.

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