Tuesday, February 04, 2003

Paradigms of bold leadership

Unemployment is a growing problem in Saudi Arabia – what should they do? Diversify their export base? Enhance economic and political freedoms? Stimulate domestic and foreign investment in new businesses? Nah, let’s get rid of the foreign workers! From the BBC:

Saudi Arabia aims to reduce its expatriate population by more than half, in an attempt to eradicate the increasing problem of unemployment among locals.

There are almost 7.5 million foreigners working in Saudi Arabia out of a total population of just 17 million, a proportion the government wants to reduce to 20% within 10 years.

The Manpower Council, in charge of labour policy, said it was becoming increasingly worried about unemployment - previously non-existent, but now close to 400,000 strong, even according to official figures.

Wait a second! Where have I heard of this approach before?

Mayor Quimby: "Are these morons getting dumber or just louder?"

Aide: “Dumber sir, they won't give up the bear patrol, but they won't pay taxes for it either.”

Quimby: "Ducking this issue calls for real leadership."
[to the mob]
"People your taxes are too high because of illegal immigrants, that's right, illegal immigrants. We need to get rid of them."


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