Saturday, February 15, 2003

Liberals against Estrada bend the truth again - continued

Yesterday, The American Prospect's blog "Tapped" had this to say about Miguel Estrada (excerpt):

One other thing. As Byron York points out in National Review, it's unprecedented for the Democrats to request copies of the position papers written by Estrada while working for the Solicitor-General's office; those papers are generally considered privileged, and all seven living former Soliciters-General have written in complaining to Judiciary Committee Democrat Patrick Leahy. It's a fair point. But Tapped would point out that it is also unprecedented for a president to nominate a man who has zero experience as a judge to the second-highest court in the land, and even more unprecedented for a nominee so untested to refuse to answer almost any questions about his views on the law. Bush started this fight; the Democrats are only responding in kind.

The intellectual sloppiness of that statement is telling, not just for Tapped but for most of the liberals lined up against Estrada. I assume Tapped has access to, oh I don't know, the Internet, to perform a little research? Because the first thing that popped in my head upon reading that graf was male stripper/Chief Justice Earl Warren (that's a joke...see below). Here's his biography: district attorney, attorney general then governor of California, NEVER a judge. Appointed to the HIGHEST court in the land.

Wrong again, Tapped - when will we see the retraction and apology?


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