Sunday, February 23, 2003

I didn't catch Fox News Sunday this morning, but Fox's web page has an excerpt of Tony Snow's interview with Hollywood airhead Janeane Garofalo. I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt but, upon reading the transcript, it's apparent that Garofalo's background education on Iraq was cobbled together from anti-war pamphlets, high-dudgeon conversations with Susan Sarandon, and scotch tape. It's altogether possible she was just making stuff up on the fly:

SNOW: [Saddam Hussein is] a threat to neighbors, a man who has waged war twice on neighbors, correct?

GAROFALO: Yes, but I don't know that his neighbors think he's a threat now. In fact, I think a lot of people would say his dastardly deeds peaked in the late '80s.

SNOW: Well, Kuwait and Iran both beg to differ, and they've both been on the record recently saying that they'd prefer not to have him in.

GAROFALO: Well, they definitely prefer not to have him in. And nobody's arguing that Saddam should be removed, nobody's arguing that the Iraqi people deserve to be liberated.

Huh? Nobody's arguing that the Iraqi people deserve to be liberated? What is this dimwit trying to say? These Hollywood types really live in a different world.

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