Wednesday, February 05, 2003

From an editorial in today’s Washington Post:

"TELL SENATORS: Filibuster the Estrada Nomination!" cries the Web site of People for the American Way. The subject is President Bush's nomination of Miguel A. Estrada to a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. Democratic senators may not need much encouragement. With the Estrada nomination due to come to the Senate floor today, they are contemplating a dramatic escalation of the judicial nomination wars. They should stand down. Mr. Estrada, who is well qualified for the bench, should not be a tough case for confirmation. Democrats who disagree may vote against him. They should not deny him a vote.

And this from Fox News:

WASHINGTON — Democratic lawmakers will attempt to filibuster the nomination of Miguel Estrada for Washington's U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals before a vote on his confirmation Wednesday, sources close to the Democrats' game plan told Fox News.

Bring it on, Donks. Shut down the Senate. Drag out this nomination so that, after he’s confirmed, you’ll have used up all your political capital. C’mon Schumer, I double-dog dare you.

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