Thursday, January 02, 2003

Why they’re like night and day!

From the 12/29 New York Times love letter:

WASHINGTON, Dec. 29 If Democrats hungry for a winner in 2004 are hunting for a presidential candidate who has what the last guy lacked, Senator John Edwards of North Carolina stands out as the anti-Gore [Emphasis added]

From this morning’s (1/2) Washington Post:

Asked why he wants to be president, Edwards said this morning, "Because I want to be a champion for regular people, the same people that I fought for my whole life." Citing small-town roots, Edwards said he was proud of his years as a trial lawyer, which made him a multimillionaire, saying he had fought against "very powerful interests" to give "a fair shake" to ordinary people.

From Al Gore’s acceptance speech at the 2000 Democratic Convention:

“To all the families in America who have to struggle to afford the right education and the skyrocketing costs of prescription drugs, I want you to know this: I've taken on the powerful forces, and as president, I'll stand up to them and I'll stand up for you. “

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