Sunday, January 05, 2003

The Unintentional Humor of the New York Times' "Corrections" section:

Last Sunday, the New York Times had this line in a tribute to the late Joe Strummer of the Clash:
"When the Sex Pistols' Johnny Rotten, draped on his microphone, intoned, 'No future,' it was the cry of youth coming out of school to discover that there were no jobs in Margaret Thatcher's Britain and refusing to accept that as reality." [thanks to NROs Corner for saving this]

From the NYT "Corrections" today:
"An article last Sunday about the legacy of the Clash and other punk rock bands in the 1970's referred incorrectly to the social climate from which the Sex Pistols emerged. It was not the Britain of Margaret Thatcher: she became prime minister in 1979, and the Sex Pistols disbanded in 1978.
A picture with the article was published in error. It showed Mick Jones of the Clash - not Joe Strummer, who died earlier in the week."

The "Paper of Record" indeed.

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