Thursday, January 16, 2003

This morning, on my long commute to work, I tuned in WFCR – the local NPR station operating out of the Happy Valley dreamworld of the University of Massachusetts. There was a story about local peace-types protesting outside the entrance to Westover Air Reserve Base in Chicopee. But what made this protest different is that apparently the women dressed up in “Iraqi clothing.” One self-satisfied lefty noted that they wanted to make the enemy “real” and not just abstract to the airmen maneuvering C-130s overhead.

This setup is so fertile for parody, I scarcely know where to begin….perhaps an imaginary conversation between the pilots looking down? A magical transportation of the demonstration to the gate outside Saddam Hussein’s palace?

How about this: I would have given $1000 to see the Chicopee police roll up and start beating the women – only the women – for 1.) showing too much skin or 2.) being outside during prayer time or 3.) failing to have a male relative escort or 4.) driving a car or, well, any other suggestions? (C’mon, I need comments!)

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