Friday, January 10, 2003

Standing firm

I'm not going to write another piece about Chuck Schumer and his smear of Judge Charles Pickering. Instead, I'm going to take note of the near-unanimity of opinion among the blogging community on this issue. I was away from my computer (my precious!) most of the day, but when I finally got to my daily review, I did not find a single opinion giving the least support to Schumer's position. (See, for example, Just One Minute, Man without Qualities, American RealPolitik, and the Pejman).

Instead, there's review, facts, and truth, leading to a "Bring It ON!" response. Yes, yes, now more than ever, I believe this will blow up in Schumer's face. Mickey Kaus thinks so too and warned: "I think they are using Pickering to prick the Lott bubble, to disarm and defuse the old Democratic civil rights/racial politics machine currently clanking back into action. That is, the Bushies expect to win on Pickering, not lose. The case that Lott had expressed unacceptable segregationist longings was strong, after all. The case against Pickering is weak. What better place for the Republicans to make a stand? If the Dems are smart, they'll realize this and find a better victim."

But they're not smart. Heh-heh…c'mon, Dems, throw us into that briar patch…

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