Sunday, January 05, 2003

Some eco-losers, acting on behalf of the Earth Liberation Front, recently torched some SUVs in a dealer lot in Pennsylvania. There's something so viscerally unsettling about these suburban terrorists; it's hard to grasp that in this post-9/11 world we live in, that any Americans would employ such mindlessly destructive tactics like this to further their cause. Have they learned nothing? Once an acolyte has supplanted his/her life for "The Cause" (whether it is radical environmentalism, stopping abortion, or spreading sharia), it is a slippery slope down to the base level where there's nothing a disciple wouldn't do to elevate himself/herself through advancement of "The Cause."

Torch a couple SUVs? – it's for the Earth!
Murder 3000 Americans? – it's all for Allah!
Force people into communes? – we're creating Utopia!

Another not-so-bold Viking Pundit prediction: when they catch the SUV gang, I guarantee they'll be a couple of mid-20s misfits from upper-middle-class families.

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