Sunday, January 12, 2003

Oh boy, Tom Daschle is on "This Week" this morning. My buddy and I have a lot of fun counting how many times Daschle starts his response to a question with "Well...." If "This Week" came on later in the day, it would make a great drinking game. I'll post an update later on the Daschle "well" count.

Update: I counted a disappointing four "well"s on eight or nine questions. So much for that theory.

But, sweet Jebus, Tommy was frothing at the mouth this morning. Does he know the meaning of the word "nuance"? Everything that Bush has done or proposed is characterized as the 11th Plague of Egypt. And I was really very surprised that a seasoned politico like Daschle couldn't see that the fight over Judge Pickering (I know, there I go again) would cast the Democrats as obstructionists again. Do they really think they're going to get much traction with this latest round of race-baiting? I think there's a much bigger danger for them of turning off a lot of mainstream voters. Parroting nearly every line from Chuck Schumer's overheated rhetoric (e.g. "the Southern strategy is alive and well in the Republican party") Daschle just ends up looking desperate. Then, after going ballistic over Pickering ("we will filibuster"), what will the Dems do when Bush offers up one, and maybe two, new nominees for the Supreme Court? Remember when we said Pickering was the devil incarnate? Well this new guy/gal is Superfly Satan! Yawn.

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