Friday, January 03, 2003

Occasionally I'll pick up Blender magazine (Maxim magazine's answer to Rolling Stone). I do this for several reasons: 1.) they always have 100+ CD reviews 2.) they always have some kind of best/worst list 3.) they always have some scantily-clad honeys inside. In the Jan/Feb issue, the one with Mariah Carey and about a square foot of leather bikini on the cover, there is a listing of the "Top 50 Rock Geniuses of All Time."

#1 is Bob Dylan – yes
#2 is John Lennon – OK
#3 is Chuck Berry – so far so good
#4 is Eminem

What the….? I realize that a music magazine has to stay contemporary and appeal to the kids, but COME ON. Mr. Mathers edged out the Glimmer Twins at #6, that piker James Brown at #12, and that poseur Elvis Presley (one spot behind Madonna!) at #11. Further down on the list are losers like Lou Reed (#23) and that talentless hack Jimmy Page (#28).

Well, I can't buy "Rolling Stone" because of their politics; "Q" is too expensive (British import mag) and Spin is owned by Bob Guccione. (Sigh). So I guess I'll just have to forget about this unfortunate list and move on.

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