Friday, January 17, 2003

Muhammad Ali turns 61 today and it causes me to wonder: why have we heard nothing from America’s foremost Muslim? Ali, as far as I can tell, has made no public statements since the 9/21/01 all-star telethon to raise funds for victims of 9/11. Back then he said: "I wouldn't be here representing Islam if it were terrorist. I think all people should know the truth, come to recognize the truth. Islam is peace."

Then, two months later at the December 17th, 2001 premiere party for the Will Smith movie “Ali” the Champ warmed up the crowd with this joke:

"What's the difference between a Jew and a canoe?" the legendary boxer asked, his voice slightly muffled from the effects of Parkinson's disease. "A canoe tips!"

Ah, yes, the “religion of peace.” Of course, Ali could have helped himself and American Muslims by speaking or writing or making some effort to bridge the widening cap between Islam and American opinion. Instead, a year later, he’s virtually invisible. Happy Birthday, Champ.

(Extra: Mickey Kaus took note of the double-standard in the muted response to Ali’s off-color jokes as opposed to, say, some Republican making the same jokes. Scroll down a little bit)

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